Saturday, August 4, 2012

The (sort of) beginning of making our home ours.

We bought our house about 7 years ago from a family who lived here for over 30 years. While we have removed wallpaper from every room and repainted it, it still is a work in progress. Most homes are.

Our home is a 1968 split level. It is a bit different from most, as it has the kitchen in the front instead of the living room. I am itching to complete several super cheap updates, changes, and tweaks until I can afford more permanent solutions. Here are a few fun things I have done.
This is the guest bathroom.

I love this floor! I looks and feels awesome and was fairly easy to work with. However, I did swear a bit while trying to get the last couple of pieces in. Also, I didn't have to remove the old floor!
This bead board in here isn't vinyl. It was a nice finishing touch for the weird wall under the window.

We have 2 young boys. Their bathroom can get really yucky.We put in a new floor (vinyl plank), vinyl bead board, vinyl molding. This all makes for easy wipe down and cleanup for messy boys with poor aim.  As you can see, I changed out the towel bar for hooks and replaced the vanity and shower curtain. The $10 Costco bath sheets complete the look.

You will soon see, red is my favorite color.

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